Friday, June 6, 2008

Summers here

Well, I'ts here. I have fellings of excitement & dread. I love that I don't have to wake the kids up early, or have them home in bed at a certain time, but trying to entertain them for 2 1/2 months is quite a task. Already Emery is begging for things to do.
We don't have big plans this summer. We will be going to Star Valley as often as opportunity will allow. We have a trip to Wolfcreek with Alex's family in July. Other than that I guess it's swimming pools & parks. I'm going to have to get creative to get the kids up off the couch & doing something active.
Jax had his cardiology appointment the other day. The doctor said that things seemed good. His aortic stenosis hasn't progressed any more. Yay!!!! We will take whatever good news we can with this little guy. He's getting such a cute personality. He is now eating baby food and baby cookies. He loves to drink water from a cup. Sometimes I forget to hold him away when I take a drink and he always reaches for the cup and spills on both of us.
Well, that is the update for now. We hope you will check back often.