Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer so far

Well, lets see...
This summer has been pretty good so far. The kids aren't driving me too crazy yet. We have had a couple of trips to Star Valley.
Kiley went to youth conference and then a week later to girls camp. Alex got to stay over one night with her as the priesthood holder. He kept threatening to embarrass her in front of her friends. (I think he was on his best behavior.) He did however, call me and tell me that there weren't enough tents so he was going to have to sleep in with all the leaders. Funny man, ha ha ha!
I have been trying to keep the kids entertained with sleepovers, adventures at the park, water balloon fights. I think it has been good.
I'm loving the warm weather, the walks in the evenings and getting icee's. Yum!
Emery was in soccer for a few weeks. She is an awesome goalie. She made a goal at the exact moment my head was turned talking to Kiley. Of course, that's my luck. We are proud of her.
Jax now sits up by himself pretty well. He is getting so big. What a chunky monkey. He has 2 teeth and 5 or 6 coming in on top. He isn't afraid to use them to bite me. (unfortunately) He has really strong legs and loves to jump up and down while holding him. He's a sweetie.
Haley had a dance performance a couple of weeks ago. She had been working really hard in her class and did an awesome job. She just repeats the dance as she walks all around. I don't even think she realizes she is doing it anymore.
Well, that's all for now. We will update again when something exciting happens.