Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School is in session.

Well, the girls have begun yet another year at school. Haley is in 4th this year. She likes her teacher and has had some fun days already. Kiley is in 7th grade. She is going to a school that we are not in the boundaries of. She chose to go to this school because it is a brand new building and to make a fresh start for herself. This means that I get to drive her to and from school everyday. Yay! I'm not a morning person so it has been a bit challenging and it has thrown Jaxs' schedule all off, but it will force me to be the good mom I know I should be. Last year I went back to bed after waking the kids up. I had no idea if they had eaten breakfast (mostly no) or what they were wearing. (Sometimes awful) Lets keep in mind that I had a new baby. Anyway, I plan to make breakfast occasionally for them and all that good stuff. Wow, I'm really going all out.
I worried all day on the first day of school about whether Kiley was eating lunch alone. She only knows 3 people from her old school there. She told me she was sitting alone and then some girls from a couple of her classes came and sat by her. I was so relieved. Sometimes these Mama bear instincts kick in and you feel so protective. She is really liking most of her classes. Her favorite is called CTE. Basically it's home ec.
Emery got her kindergarten shots a few weeks ago. She was so brave. She starts school next Tuesday. She has been bummed that the other girls get to go to school this week and she doesn't.
Jax is just as cute as ever. He is getting so big. He seems to be a lot happier and better tempered these days. He still loves to be held and throws a fit if he doesn't get his own way, but he is sleeping a lot better which I'm sure is helping. We are trying to teach him a couple of basic sign language signs. Milk, more,... okay so maybe 2. He did milk once, but it might have just been a coincidence.
This summer has flown bye. I feel like it was a good summer. We made the most of it I believe. We managed to fit in several Star valley trips (thanks grandpa! We miss you) a trip to pineview, Lagoon, Cherry hill, Hogle Zoo, many park days and lots of fun evening walks. You've got to love summer.
I will post some pictures of their first days of school soon.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Thanks Honey, for all of your continued planning and efforts to create fun memories for our family. It has been a wonderful summer and I appreciate you immensely.